On the occasion of completing 10 years of Shidokan Shirasagi Dojo Athens, successfully completed our Seminar with the presence of my Teacher Sensei Joachim Laupp 9. Dan Hanshi at my Dojo! I would like to express my gratitude and my deep appreciation and respect towards my Sensei, who honored us and inspired us with his spirit and knowledge. Moreover, allow me to express my gratitude to all of the students of Sensei Laupp from Shidokan Shirasagi Dojos of Germany, Holland and Switzerland who travelled to join us to this special moment. During the seminar, we were all privileged for having this opportunity to practice vigorously under the watchful eyes of my Sensei, who encouraged us to go deeper and engage even more to the real meaning of “Budo”.
The core of our training sessions was the basic techniques and the traditional Kata. The training also enriched with lots of Bunkai and Fukushiki Kumite exercises as well as with a combination of traditional body hardening exercises.
My Teacher Sensei Joachim Laupp throughout the seminar gave us a lot of meaningful insights and delved into Karate’s history and analyzed in depth some of the core philosophical principles of Shidokan.
Furthermore, my Teacher taught us not only how to perform correctly all the techniques but also the importance to preserve these principles, based on the knowledge that transmitted to him from his own Teacher Grandmaster Miyahira Katsuya, 10th Dan Hanshi.
In the meantime, I would like also to thank all of my students for their presence and support to me for organizing everything properly. I am proud to be a student of Sensei Joachim Laupp ! Sensei, Thank you from the bottom of my heart!